Fried Chicken Breakfast Sandwich
Matty Matheson's fried chicken recipe plus some personal additions
I finally watched The Bear! The entire show was excellent, but the acting was really what made the show great. On several occasions I knew exactly what a character was about to do just from seeing them make a face I had made a thousand times working in that environment.
In honor of finally seeing the TV show he is in, I decided to make another Matty Matheson recipe and in honor of me I made some changes to it. I did not pickle brine the chicken, I do not like pickles. If you choose to pickle brine that is frankly none of my business. Here is Matty Matheson’s fried chicken recipe turned into a breakfast sandwich!
For the chicken:
5 chicken breasts
buttermilk (enough to cover the chicken in a bowl)
Canola oil (enough to fill a pan 2-3 inches deep)
3 cups of flour
cayenne, ground cloves, ground coriander, old bay, smoked paprika, fennel seeds, salt, pepper
For the buns:
6-7 cups of flour
2.5 cups of warm water
1 tablespoon of instant yeast
1/3 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of melted unsalted butter
1 tablespoon of salt
a little olive oil
Additional ingredients:
eggs (1 per sandwich)
bacon (2 per sandwich)
For the chicken:
Marinade the chicken in buttermilk for at least 4 hours (skip to the buns while the chicken is marinating).
In a large bowl, combine the flour with your spices. Season your chicken with salt and pepper and then dredge your chicken in the flour mixture.
Heat 2-3 inches of oil in a large saucepan with high edges on medium heat. If you need to test if the oil is hot enough, put a wooden spoon in it and see if the oil starts bubbling around it.
Fry your chicken, turning occasionally, until the crust is dark brown. This took about 15 minutes for me. Drain on a cooling rack over a baking sheet and sprinkle with salt.
For the buns:
Mix together the warm water, instant yeast, sugar, butter, and salt.
Add flour one cup at a time mixing until fully combined before adding another cup. Start with 4-5 cups. You can use stand mixer for this if you have one but I just used a whisk.
Add 1-2 more cups of flour but add the flour very gradually at this stage. I added about half a cup each time instead of a full cup. I started kneading by hand at this point.
Knead until it becomes smooth and does not stick to the bowl or surface. Grease a bowl with a little bit of olive oil and toss it in there and put a towel
over the top. Put it in a warm place to rise to about twice the size for about 1.5 hours.
Make the dough into little balls and put them on a foil lined baking sheet and put them back in the warm place to rise for about 30 minutes to an hour.
Put some bacon on a baking sheet with walls so grease doesn’t run off.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes until golden brown. Put the bacon in the oven with the buns for about 15 minutes as well or until crispy.
Finishing the sandwich:
Fry an egg.
Cut your bun in half, place your egg, two slices of bacon, and fried chicken onto the bun.
Thank yourself for your hard work and enjoy.
Annoyance Rating (1-10): 9 (3 for the chicken)
None of these steps are too difficult, but this took an entire afternoon basically. I do not know why I decided to make my own buns. I think I might just like baking. The chicken itself was probably like a 3 but I have a lot of experience frying chicken.
Erica’s Review:
“Absolutely delicious, sorry to the peasants who didn’t get to taste it. Would pay good money for it at a restaurant. 10/10.”
Recipe(s) I ripped off:
High praise on the photo also, it really looks delicious!